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EDI Services

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Services

I am deeply committed to advancing equality and human rights, and am an experienced equality, diversity and inclusion practitioner, trainer and consultant.

The services I offer focus on the environments created by organisations, the people that power those environments and those who they impact on.

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Equality Impact Assessment

Supporting you to undertake and deliver meaningful equality impact assessments (EIAs) for your policies, projects and decision making.

Progress beyond ticking boxes and form filling to equality impact assessments that make a meaningful positive impact. I can support your staff to meet your equality duties by really adding value to all areas of work and undertake equality impact assessments that make a meaningful, positive difference.

Effective equality impact analysis and assessment is most effective when it is systemic - part of day to day decision making and practice, rather than seen as a separate process.

Working with you to assess the current position of your organisation's equality impact assessment practice, and help develop your organisation capacity to transform your approach to EIA so that it has a meaningful positive impact on staff and those who use your organisation's services.

This case study provides an example of equality impact assessment of a complex and sensitive project, with significant impact

Equality Impact Assessment Case study

Strategic Vision and Operational Impact

Navigating your organisation on a journey towards a more inclusive environment. 

What is an inclusive environment? Every person will experience their environment from their unique perspective, but great environments have these things in common:

  • Staff and volunteers from all backgrounds feel safe, included and supported 
  • Customers, patients or service users have the best possible experience 
  • They are high performing and effective

Strategic Development

Using the Hallmark of Inclusion framework to measure how inclusive your organisation's environment is, and work with staff and other stakeholders to identify priorities. Your organisation will adopt pledges that are based on these priorities, with support to make them happen.

This framework has been developed based on years of experience as a practitioner, manager and Board member, It has undergone extensive peer review and been successfully piloted and implemented in a number of organisations.

Ideas into Action

Offering personal support to managers to integrate strategic objectives into their operational plans in a way that is meaningful and achievable for them and their teams.

Policy development

Developing or review policies to maximise their equity impact, modelling best practice.


It is hard to fully quantify the impact of Amanda’s support to the CCG programme of work, however, it has been huge. She instills immense confidence through the breadth of her knowledge and deep understanding of the role of the CCG. She is very integral to our E&D work.”

 Associate Director of Corporate Affairs, NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Learn more about the Hallmark of Inclusion

Equality, diversity and inclusion training

Offering a range of equality and inclusion training services:

  • Equality and inclusion awareness training 
  • Structural inequalities and the biases we hold (co-delivered with Jamie Spurway)
  • Understanding the power and impact of the Social Model of Disability
  • Equality impact assessment training 
  • Diversity champion training and coaching
  • Equality and inclusion in mediation
  • Evaluation


"The training was valuable for me, as understanding EqIAs [equality impact assessments] and how the process of considering and completing theme effectively impacts upon the development process, is an important part of my role as Head of Policy. The understanding we have gained will enable the policy team to support others, as well as be more aware of the impact of external policy developments."

Head of Policy, General Teaching Council for Scotland

Training evaluation case study


I have a strong track record of creating psychologically safe sand accessible spaces where people can share their insights and lived experience


“Amanda and Catherine designed and facilitated a series of exploration and co-design sessions. 

What we valued about their approach was their understanding of the complexity of the topics being discussed and their emphasis on designing impactful sessions centred around psychological safety.” 

Skills Development Coordinator | External Relations and Partnerships, Historic Environment Scotland

“Amanda has been central to the organisation and delivery of some of the most effective engagement events in Barnsley. One of her key strengths is being a constructive critical friend with solutions to offer.” 

Equality & Diversity Manager, Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council

Engagement case study

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